We are the official repair center in North America for Mamiya Legacy products which include the Mamiya 6, 6MF, 7, 7II, the TLR’s (C2, C220, C3, C330), Mamiya 645’s (Super, Pro, Pro-TL), the RB67, RZ67 Pro and Pro II.
This also includes the Mamiya Press / Universal cameras, lenses, and accessories.
We regularly receive the Mamiya 6, 6 MF, 7, and 7II models for rangefinder calibrations, erratic operation due to impact, exposure damage (sand,water, humidity), and general service for continued, reliable use. All lenses and accessories are evaluated separately from the body.
Every Mamiya camera that comes through the shop will have the film advance evaluated in full. There are some common problems with the film advance mechanisms - especially in the 6/6MF models that require a rebuild. We still have a large parts stock that allows us to repair and rebuild most cameras with film advance/winding issues.
We occasionally receive complaints regarding a discrepancy in the accuracy between one or more lenses in a set. Each lens utilizes an adjustable cam that protrudes through the rear mount and drives the linkage between the rangefinder in the camera body. ***It is imperative that you send in your all of lenses in order for the rangefinder to be calibrated as accurately as possible to your body. Your lenses will receive a complete check and complimentary surface cleaning.***
We have found the lens shutters to be extremely reliable. There are rare occasions in which they require a thorough cleaning or repair. The most common repairs for lenses involve a “CLA” ( clean / lube / adjust ) to the helicoid assemblies (focusing barrels) to address stiff or loose focusing. All of the 6/7/7II lenses utilize a flexible circuit that provides power and communication with the light meter circuit in the body. This flexible circuit board can break resulting in a loss of signal and failure of the shutter or light meter. This issue most commonly shows up in the N 65mm/4L lens for the 7/7II models, but can occur in any one of them. We have the replacement parts in stock.